Power in Hypothesis testing

In order to understand this blog you should know what is hypothesis testing and intuition behind it. If you are not familiar with the topic, you can refer to the previous blog Understanding Hypothesis Testing

In this section we will try to understand following things:
    1. Types of error in hypothesis testing
    2. Power in hypothesis testing
    3. Problem on power

1. Types of error in hypothesis testing

In this section we will be discussing types of errors in significance tests. There are 2 types of errors we can see in significance tests. Those are:
    1. Type - I error
    2. Type - II error
Lets try to understand these with good example:

As we can recollect from hypothesis testing, We have 2 distributions: population distribution and sample distribution. We define a threshold in population distribution. We call it significance level = 0.05 . Below is the diagram for significance level (or area or probability)

Given threshold for population distribution, we will compute the probability of seeing mean or any value more than the mean of sample distribution, in the population distribution
    P( x>=mean of sample distribution | population distribution)

We compare this probability with the threshold and we decide whether to accept or reject null hypothesis. If we take too small a region as our threshold there is a high chance that we might end up accepting the null hypothesis and vice versa if we take too big a region as our threshold there is a high chance that we might end up rejecting the null hypothesis.

So what is the ideal region ? Is it 0.05, 0.10 ?
Experiments show 0.05 is a good threshold. but because of this we see some error in our inferential statistics. Those are Type I and Type II errors

Type I error: If the null hypothesis is true in real world and we end up rejecting the null hypothesis then it is called Type I error

Type II error: If the null hypothesis is false in the real world and we end up accepting the null hypothesis then it is called Type II error

So we can associate probability to these 2 statements:

2. Power in hypothesis testing

This is nothing but 1-β that is : Probability of rejecting null hypothesis given null hypothesis is false in real world

Note: When you build a new version of the apple app and do significance testing we should reject null hypothesis right? Because the new version is better than the old version. While we are rejecting Power of the test will tell us how confidently we can reject the null hypothesis. This is because Power is nothing but the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis given null hypothesis is false.

Let's not dive too much into definitions. Let's go ahead and understand power more intuitively.

Definition: Power is Probability of rejecting null hypothesis given null hypothesis is false in real world

so we already know that null hypothesis is false,
    i.e p-value is less than significant value.
    i.e mean of sample distribution is very far from mean of the population distribution
    i.e sample distribution is significantly different than population distribution

If we plot this on the graph:

3. Problem on hypothesis testing and power

A api has average response time of 500ms with standard deviation of 25ms. A developer had made few changes and derived his conclusion on 100 samples that api response time has significantly reduced to 495ms after his changes. Can you validate this and provide the confidence on validation:

    Let's define hypothesis
    null hypothesis = There is no significant change
    alt hypothesis = There is significant reduction in response time

    population statistics: μ=500 σ=25
    sample statistics: μm=495 n=100
    significance level: α=0.05

    Calculating z-score
       z = (x – μ) / (σ / √n)
       = ( 495-500) / ( 25/√100)
       z-score= -2.0
    Hence observed mean is 2.0 standard-error-of-mean below population mean

    Calculating p-value:
     p(x>= μm | Null hypothesis is true ) this is called as p-value
     We want to calculate the area under normal distribution which is above 2.0 SD away from mean
     p-value = Total area above mean - Total area till 3.6 SD above mean
        = 0.50 - ztable(2.0)
        = 0.50 - 0.4772
        p-value = 0.0228
     Hence p(x>= μm | Null hypothesis is true ) or p-value is 0.0228

     Since significance level or α > p-value we can reject null hypothesis
     Hence there is a significant reduction in the mean of api response time

Now that we have established that null hypothesis is false. Let's find power of the test
i.e Probability of rejecting null hypothesis given null hypothesis is false in real world

First we need to find response time at significance level:
Let's assume response time at significance level is ( Rs )

step 1) Find the area from the population mean to significance level
  area = 0.50-0.05
  = 0.45

step 2) Let's find out how many SE this point Rs is from population mean.
  Refer the z-table and see at what point area is 0.45
  The significance point is 1.65 SE away from population mean

step 3) Find the significance point or Response time at significance level
  SE = σ / √n = 25/10 = 2.5
  The significance point is 1.65 SE away from population mean
  The significance point is 1.65*2.5 response time away from population mean
  i.e significant point = 500 - (1.65*2.5)
Find the power: From the picture we can see that power = 0.50 + area from mean (495) to 495.9
  z-score = ( 495.9-495 )/ ( 25/√100) = 0.36
  power = 0.50 + z-table(0.36) = 0.50+0.1406 = 64.06%

